The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)

THE EVENING RECORD. rage ri Delightful Music in Restaurant, 12:00 to 3:00 GERMANS TWICE FAIL IN ATTACKS SPORTING NEWS LADIES TOURNEY TOMORROW. The ladles' tournament will be resumed tomorrow afternoon at the Wheelmen alleys and visiting ladies are welcome. Mrs. Calvin Van Saun is the leader to date and she will bo among the bowlers tomorrow.

Street Hw Trk Waft of rtflk INTER-CLUB GAMES CASINOS TAKE THREE GAMES FROM PARK B. C. The Casino Five snowed the Ridge-field Park B. C. under in all threa games of the Inter Club League match last night at the Hidgelield Park casino alleys.

In the first game Neuhaus of the Casinos rolled 247, the second high individual score lor the tournament to Frank Diiz rolled 219 average. Summary: Casino Five. as Usual, Bargain Day Also JANUARY SALE That Bring BUSINESS VALUES That TALK! or Telephone Orders for the Following: 'jfVcekB Christiansen 119 18!) 147 Neuhaus 216 47 1U7 Koops H7 ISO 19- F. Diaz 1S1 21 1 Totasl 99S S73 SS!) Ridgefield Park B. C.

Charavay 151 155 Carroll Simpson 171 17 Greene 13H 176 1S3 "Wilcox 167 161 151 IW'alker 1S6 111 Totals 811 826 Arcane January Sale Values and Friday Bargains in Muslins, Sheets, Pillow Cases Fruit of Loom Muslin Lonsdale Muslin Hill Muslin worth .11 flal. BH limit. 10 yds. Wo Halt or Telephone Organ. Yard Wide Muslins bleached or heavy unbleached worth Tard Wide Bleached close and flne anil 39-lnrh unhleached worth 9 6'4 4 2-Inch Bleached Muslina for Pillow Cases, or, by seaming, will make full slue sheets worth i 6 45-Inch Bleached Muslins for pillow cases or, by seaming, will make extra alio sheets worth .10 Diamond Mills Sheetings no starch or dressing.

Bleached. Unbleached. Bee. Sals .12 Reg. Bala 84 .16 .13 42 In MRS CLARK HIGH FOR PLEAS ANT HOUR BOWLERS 1 The Pleasant Hour BnvHng club held their session yesterdav at Krieg-er's allos, Bogota.

Mrs. "dark was high with 157. Scores: Mrs. Clark, 137, 155. 147.

126 Airs Finer, ill, 96, 95, S8; Mrs. Van Vault i 1.36, 1i.p1; Mrs. Brims, IV 106 'M; Mrs. Krfeger, FJ4, 117, IF'' SS; Mrs. llurrlc, 148, 146, M6- Mrs Sackett, ft 1 87.

81; Mrs. Kngcl 9't 1 rs. stratum, U5 Miss Pyle, SO. lu 1, BASKETBALL HACK.CNSACK GIRLS DEFEAT NUTLEY 25 TO 9. 'Die HiKkensaci High tcuool girl's' basketball learn deteait-j tlie Nuiloy High fcchool girls yesurday alter-noon by a score ot 2j iu at Junior Uruer Mali.

'Hie local girls put up a line game, emptying tucir wsitors irom in all departments. The Bos-en anu Eurkh al. forwards played a strong scoring ii and 1 baskets respectively. Mis Kurieh caged 0 fouls out of 8 attempts. Tlie Misses Slovens and Wesier- vel! lllavi'fl well sit w.nlpr Iwip innm- ing and passim; beiim far sunerior to the work of the visitors.

The Misses Wygant. Baldwin and Siedel took care of the guarding po sitions with credit. Friday afternoon Hac.ensack will play West wood at Junior Order hall. The lineup and summary follows: Harkensrck (25) Bogert Enrich Nutley (9) Whitboeu Staats Pratt Forwards. Stevens Wester velt Assums I Centers.

Wygant dimming Baldwin Brewster uards. Substitutes H. H. S. Siedel, Sem.

indinger, Iserman. M. Bogert. Referee Mr, Frost. Scorer Miss H.

M. Barry. LOOKING FOR GAMES. The Johnson's Steel Five of Johnson's Steel Works at Supyten Duyvil, New York, would like to arrange frames on outside courts paying suit able euarantee. Actual average 1115 i 1 I I 84 18 .15 74 .10 .17 i4 24 94 .26 104 .28 .22 fl waraagiora AND By GEORGE IIANDCLPH CHLSTER Copyright, 1913.

by Bobbt-Metrili Co. Paul Pollet and the Chock, li. BRACK to Wa-lii'foi'i with irivut "Vou fellows are eiiin ntiu me." be IxiuMed. "1 had my but jm put ui the finishing touches. I'm able to protect, myself now.

This uiornins I stopped tlie most plausible little sniy I've met yet; made him lake the count with about six -well planted words." "I'm stliid you're to leave responded Wallingfonl sincerely, Blackit' 11ml uiysflf are contemplating a little busiucss trip, aud wo don't like to leave vou behind with! your money exposed." "It's safe with Little Billy now!" bragged Brack. "Vou want to have 11 little, curiosity over this scheme, though. You'll be highly agitated when I tell you about "t'O 'ibc'id md shock me," invited wntnngioro: irnnrpiiuy. "lis your big hotel car." replied Brack. young fellow by the name of Paul Pollet is preparing to manu-l fnoture one nearly like it.

Didn't you tell ine you had patents on a lot of those features?" "I bet I did." Wnllingford fissured him. "I patent everything I think of. It's a cheap amusem*nt, and if you can't sell patent you can at least make trouble with it. Is this Pullet: person just cackling about it, or can he really show an eegV" "He's manufacturing, nnd he wanted me to take up his $100,000 worth of treasury stock so he can go on with the good work. It's a grand little business if Pollet had seen it first, but, as it is.

I was too smooth for him. I turned bim down quick and switched to you." "Very noble of you," approved Wnl-lingford. "Still, I don't know that I'll do anything. I'll never fuss with the car, and if this Is a live young member I think I'll Just let him go, unless the time comes when I hate him or he ii much mnnev trouble." "How does the financial proposition stand?" inquired Wallingford. "Could you obtain a majority of the stock?" "Hardly," speculated Brack.

"It's a two hundred thousand company. There are four dummy directors who own a share each. Pollet owns a hundred thousand worth, and he wants to Bell me the balance for ninety-nine thousand sii hundred." "Don't bite," counseled Wallingford. "I guess you need me around awhile, after all. Don't you see that if be could go ahead without any interference from me he'd outvote you in every stockholders' meeting, and in the eDd you'd be skinned?" "That's right:" exclaimed Brack and this business, because I don't know anything aliout It, but if it listens good to you I'll enter suit against this Pullet party" "Pollet," corrected Brack.

"against this Pollet fellow-, get out an injunction and scare him to death. Then you offer him $100,000 for the whole company, including his stock and the treasury stock, but excepting the four shares by the dummy directors. You'll need them. Then I'll give 11 9 Daw A IT- pounds. This team is composed of "If "you're going to' be that easy-employees of the plant and are office about it it might be a good invest-belp, and have been playing on dif- 1 ment after all." suggested Bargain Bil-ferent teams for the past eight years ly.

and then, at last, be began to think, or more. We have played against Wallingford could tell it by the greedy the fastest teams this season, play- smile of bira. "I say, Wallingford. I ing seven and losing none. Mana- can probubly make a better dicker gers wishing first class attraction, with him If you will tbreuten bim with French Blow Op 8C0 Yards of Trsncii3s; Win en Aisne.

Paris, Jan. 7. The Icnnmn are keeping up 11 porous attempt lo re cover pusilii-iis they to the) Fro lie Ii fi irmly iu tlie vicinity of St tleorges. Belgium Their uitnek fall ed iigaiu, ibf imiii'tiu liuui Uie war otlice says. Slight by til" r'reuch troops at other points un the bat Hi' front urei announced, unialily near Kbeinis and' In the Arsonist' region In the vicinity of Steiuliacli.

Ais.uc, tlie liermans up to 1-0 (hTi'iiiig a sttibtiorn resist mice, but the I'mncIi, the otUeinl nu-i noi'iicciiii'm says, have maintained the. positions lliry raptured Iu the figlit-i ing tb'j last few days. The coiuiuiimipii' in part follows: "in ltflgiuui tlie enemy lias made; two attacks nit limit suceess in the region of the diiius and to tlie south east of St. Georges. "In the valley of tlie Aisne and in the section of Khe'inis our batteries have gained the adv.inlage over those of the enemy, which have been t'edue el to silence.

Besides this, our tronoM have ndvaticed 100 yards n.uthwcst of Hbeims. "In the Argon 11c there has heen very violent light which permitted us to take yards of trendies iu the woods of Iji Oniric, at which point a slight retirement bad previously been announced. "From Bagatelle and from Fontaine 'Madame ne Germans opened two lent attacks, each with an effective strength of one regiment. They have been repulsed. Near the ravine of Court Chaussoe we have blown np with mine HM yards of Gorman trenches, of whi'd.

we have occupied half. "The enemy succeeded In reoccupy-Ing one of his old trenches on the eastern slope of hill No. 425. of which the summit remains in our posses sion." returned from a pleasantly profitable trip into the inferior Bargain Billy Brack, who had learned from Violet Bonnie the train upon which they would arrive, was waiting at BlacUie's house. "Hello, piratel'' greeted Blackie, bustling into the library and unlocking the celiarette between the Mark Twain set and the forty volume Shakespeare.

"Have you settled down yet into a regular business man?" "Well, yes," hesitated Bargain Billy, upon whose doughy brow there were beginning to be lines of actual thought. "1'ou know. I bought out tbat automobile factory." "You ibd!" exclaimed Blackie. "Why, 1 heard Jim Wallingford caution you not to do it until you saw bim." "That's right." Admitted Bargain Billy, looking up with a nod as Violet Bonnie came iuto the room and settled herself in the biggest and most comfortable leather rocker. "Well, well," observed Blackie.

"I hope you haven't made any mistake. Now, Brack, don't tell me anything about it till I send for Jim. I can see il in your eyes that you want some advice." "He's on his way over," stated Violet Bonnie calmly, looking out the window. "I told Pannie to brlug bim across just as soon as he got home. Blackie.

why don't you offer your friend a little stimulant?" "I wasn't sure I needed any." hesitated Bargain Billy, with a half hearted chuckle. "I'm not sure yet whether 1 ouebt to be worried or not." -(To Be Continued) Record "Wants" Create Business. GAINS 40 POUNDii IN 40 DAYS. REMARKABLE RESULTS OF THE NEW TISSUE BUILDER TONO-L1NE TABLETS IN MANY CASES Ob- RUNDOWN MEN AND WOMEN. PROVE IT YOURSELF BY BUYING a box of Tonoline Tablets NOW.

"By George, 1 neer taw anything ibe effects of that aev treatment, Tonoline Tablets, for building up of had taken place iu his condition. "I i began to thick that there was nothing on earth that couid make me fat. I tried tonics, digestives, heavy eating, niUk beel. aU(J aimost thing else you could think of, ev cry- but without result. Any man or woman who is thin i can recover normal weight by the ''eat new treatment Tonolioe Tablets liave bcPa tllin for uars and "6o to think it natural for me to be that way.

Finally I read about the remarkaole process brought about by use of Tonoline Tabs, so I decided tc try it mscif. Well, when I look at myself in the mirror now, think is somebody else. I have put oir lust forty pounds during the last forty cays, and never telt stronger or more -rvy' in my life." Touoline Tabs are a powerful indue- In nlltnt nil 1 L. 1 food' the number blood- corpuscles and as a necessary result bulids up muscles and soI1(J fiesh ard rounds out the figure for women who can never appear stylish in anything they wear because 'of thinness this remarkable I trea ment may prove a revelation. It lis a beauty maker as as a form builder and nerve strengthened Tonoline Tabs cost $1 for a 50-days treatment, ot drusgist3, or mailed by American Proprietary.

Boston, ronrtertth January Sal Values in WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR Women's Corpft Covrn wide lar yokefi and ribbons or omh'y edf, res. lfl Kntnsook Corset Covers dainty embroidery, lace and ribbon usually .69 17 Crepe de Chine Corset Cover" lace Insert fl nnd r'bhon or lace yoke and sleeves val. $1.25. N'lglit Dtwsees round or with wide, emb'y alna .65 MS Nainsook snri flne Mnflln Night I 'rof hph oni Ire yokes uiid Fiecves of lncen. emb'y iuhI ribbon worth 1.1:9 to $1.39 f4 Women's Combrlc and N'nlnsook rrawers ruffle of emb'y or and hemstltchlnK valu 115 1ft Women's Petticoats Cropc.

with wide WRBiittble lace and Insert or nainsook with good emb'y value Women's Combinations Prlnress and Waist Ktylea emb'y and double lace out llnliiR iac dpo skirt or drawers worth .75 r0 Nainsook Combinations dulnllly trlm'd styles values to $1.39 .04 l.OS .18 Nainsook Combination- very effective models re(j. J2.6B Exlra size NlKlit DreHoes or ftlt'li necu tucks, ruffle aud 2 Inserts emb'y reg. .09 Kxtrs, B1-e Night Dresses Xnlnsook anrl Muslin Variety of tlTectH models value 51.8'J J4 Kxtra Sire Drawers ruffle of emb'y or hemstitched lieni res. .29 2S Kstra Size Drawers Cambric or muelln good emb'y ruffle or l.c i trim value .69 40 i Extra Size Petticoats lace Inserla or wide emb'y value $1.39 Children's Muslin Dresses emb'y or rancy 1 in yra. I reg.

.61) Clilidren's Cambrlo Night Dresse rminrt nerk. ribbon run emb'y 1 to yr. reg. .49 20 8 to 14 yrs. reg.

Children's Muslin Drawers hom tucks 1 to 11 yra. worth .12 to .19 Children's Petticoats lace, emb'y and tucks 4 to 14 yis. I worth .29 and .39 21 January Sale Values and Friday Bargains in BABIES' WEAR Babies' Long and Short Slius bir.hop and yoke styles; also gownit slses to yrs. reg. .36.

.20 Long Nainsook Slips yoke with h. or emb'y and lace reg. .49 Fables' Christening Sets (2 pieces) hltlit nnrl Dress profusely Ulm'd value 3.68 2.74 Little Tote' Dresses to yrs. Lawn and Nainsook new emb'y in Ktvlnn in fine assortment r. .69 415 Little Children's Glnftham Rnd uresscs n'iug ood colors and pretty Oliver Twist, tunic and 4 otlisr Ftylew to 6 yrs.

ree. $1.29 72 Babies' Part Wool Shirts to 3 yrs. strictly perfect re. .49 US Babies' Lonr White Domet Skirts cambrlo waist or band worth .29 28 White Domet Barrow Coats to match catnbrlc I'ftnds worth .29" rirtnnel Band? pinked edge value .15 3 for Wlilt. Vnr.ette N'lFllt Gowns and Wr.ipyers ri-g.

.39.. ,2." Embroidered Lor.g Vlsnnel Petticoats cambric waist or bands reg. S1.2S 7 reg. 51.49 1.11 Clearance of Babies' Col'd Conts excel Unt labrics and styles lo 3 yrs. were tl.S to JT.SS 4.fS Friday Bargains and Clearances in MISSES' WEAR Red TlcV.t Lots of MlsseV Coats 14 to 11 rx "osck and other Bnmrt mo'iel3 slbellnes cheviots, pehhle chinchillas.

pl'iah, I-Jladu lynx pnd fomolra favorite colors and black Were 19.61 "Vera to 512 Were to $14 51 Were to 519 9 Were to 524. S8 WOW Now 7.5I.S Row a How 14.f Row lU.itH Red Ticket Lof of M'sses" Fvenirg r.ressts 14 to IS vrs. white and uei- lcate colors chiffons. re's, laces, crepe de chines and charmeufe. t- 119SS Were to 123.

E'S 12.TK Wow 1W.75 Clearances in Girls' Chinchilla Coats i 8 to 14 yrs winter models gray i and navy flannel lined Were Vers 112 98 Were 514. SS to clear fi.f to clear K.HN to clear 11. Little Girls' Party Dresses to 12 yre. white. bl'ie n.nd corn color cl.iffons China silk foundations dainty models Were 19 95 112.9! Were til.

91 to clear to fS to dear 10.1 Friday, 15ih BARGAINS So Mall I January Sale Values and Friday Bargains in Linens, Towels, White Goods Irish I.lnen Dsmssks extra heavy 68 to 6 Inch rea .6... ,44 64-Inch Scalloped Cloths round Instead of $2.98 2.45 Napkins heavr Irish I.lnsn full bleached repf. $.,19 Linen Iluck Towels heavy pure linen hemmed damask borders Initial wreath reg. .24 20 Turkish Balh Towels closely woven, bleached, hemmed, while borders usually ..19 30 17-Inch Towellings-Bleached nd brown Crashes, also glass checks usually .11 7 35-Inch Cambrics value 8. Lonsdale Cambric reg.

and .15 8 89-inrh Nainsooks ref. .17 45-lnch Voiles reg-. .39 25 I -Inch Crepe Voiles -value .81,., .15 8R-lnch Long Cloth 12 yd. pee. no 36-Inch N'nlnnooks 12 yd.

pee. 1.35 SSI-lneh French Nalnsllks 10-yil. pee. leg. 1.39 1.95 3fi-lnch Xalnsoolrs 3 2-yd.

pee. rei. o) 1.17 CLEARANCES From Here and There r.lhhons satins, moires, taffetas-plain colors and Presdcns regularly ,20 Remnants and Odd Lengths all style and colors fresh and clean one-half regular prices. Collar and Cult Sets ltnp't'd and domestic pique, plaited organdie. Bt.

(lull Swisses and Plauen laces varlouB styles reg. .49 30 Ksmnanti of Trimming, Braids, AlloTers, at Prlday OlMr-ancs prlocs. Clearance of Chiffon Vellsi rain proof -light and dark colors were 11.99 1.39 Chiffon Veils striped woven borders desirable colors can also be used as acarts were .98., .60 Mercerized Sateens black, white, light and dark colors reg. 29 22 Rich Brocade Lining Hllka yard wide pure ellli firm quality handsome denlgns were 2.08 to clear. 1,98 Boys' Natural Wool Underwear shirts long sleeves ankle length drawers all sizes reg.

.49 39 Women's Cotton Union Sults high neck long sleeves ankle lentth reg. .46 .33 Women's Medium Weight Cotton Vests high neck long or short sleeves also anlde length drawers regularly .49 39 Hand Bngs black leather, silk moire and velvet milk and leather lined insted of .98 69 Cowhide Suit Cases linen lined 51-lneh rtrotectefl corners value' 84 69 3.25 Silk Twill Gloria Umbrellas 28 and 2S-lnoh silver trlm'd mission handles teg. 82.69 1.85 Women's I-rlsap Chamoleetts (Jlove white, pongee and natural reg. .49 .39 Women's K11 Cloves 2-clanp black, white and tar Special .60 Men's Wool Hokc black and natural seconds of 24 ct. qualities 15 Rogers Steel Knives and Forks ceiiuiold bandies elsewhere .29..

.10 Clearances In Steel Knives and Korks Landers. Frary Clark also other reliable m3Ke oone, ebonv end genuine start handles set of six each elsewhere 11.79.. Olerirenres In Novelty and Useful Jewelry Brooches. Bar Pins, "'uK Links. Pearl Necklaces, Hrarelets.

Pendants and Chains Lapel Chains and VaJilty Cases values to 11.60 .05 .65 Quadruple Plated Tea Sts 4 pes. reg. J4.98 Clrarance 3.o0 Quadmpla Plated Bowls reg. J4 SS Cracker and Cheese DlBhes reg. $3 49 in ct.

"Big Four" Toilet Paper 4 rolls for 25 ct. Kngllsh Ivory Tint Dreislng Combs f3.n Comb. Brush and Mirror Ivory tint l.j ct. Toetb Brushes 3.07 2.75 .25 .15 2.08 9 Friday Bargains in DRESS GOODS 42-Inch sll-wool Granite Suitings amethvst. prune.

Copen-1 acen." hrown. marine, navy and hiacK reg. .69 40 3fi-lnch all-wool Kun's Veilings and Oi shmercs light and dark colors, alfo navy and black ralue .49... .39 54-lnch all-wool Storm Serges and Diagonals special .98 42-Inch alI-worl Merges snrt Armures cadet, garnet, taupe. navy and black reg.

44 '(-inch all-wool Chinchillas gray, Kmurn nnw and HiAclt $2.91 1.98 Ksaiaants of All-Wool Sress Goods All Weaves i.ud Wldt-ha yX SiiCLij Ciearaaco address Wm. Oar. manager, care of I. G.

Johnson Spuyten Duyvil, New York City. The Palisade Arrows traveled to Englewood Tuesday night and defeated the community Five, of that place, by the score of 46 to 23. MOSQUITO EXTERMINATION WORK IN CO. (Continued from Pago On9.) Freeholders, but we regret to advise you that up to the present time Bergen county has done practically noth- HACKENSACK LEAGUE BIG CROWD EXPECED AT ROLL-OFF TONIGHT AT ELKS. A big crowd of friends of both teams are expected to throng the Elks' alleys this evening when the Bergen B.

C. and the Oritani F. C. teams come together in their roll-off for second place in the first of the Ha( kensack League winter tourneys. There is considerable rivalry Tietween the two teams and there promises to he something doing every minute.

President Joseph Sherman of the league, who is to act as the foul line man on this occasion, said this morning that all visitors would he welcome, including ladies. SECOND WINTER TOURNEY TO START TOMORROW NIGHT. The second tournament of the winter season of the Hackensack League will get under way tomorrow night, when all six teams will be in action. The schedule is as follows: The matches are as follows: Oritani F. C.

at Elks One; Elks Two at Bergen B. Wheelmen at Junior Order. BOWLING NOTES MRS. GREINER LEADS THE JUNIOR LADIES. Mrs.

L. E. Greiner led the Junior Ladies yesterday at the pleasant session at the Junior Order alleys with 109. The scores: Mrs. L.

E. Greiner, 169, 163, 143, 127; Mrs. E. S. Hoghland, 153, 109, 106, SI; Mrs.

J. E. DeMott, 146, 123, 122, 95; Mrs. H. M.

Davis, 146, 119, 93; Mrs. F. M. Wyborn, 134, 109, 107; Mrs. A.

J. Paton, 127, 117, 107; Mrs. C. Harper, 127, 101, 87; Van Thun, 127, 100, 84; Mrs. J.

Van Watering, 124, 94, 93; Mrs. J. M. Scoskie, 118, 111, 106; Mrs. C.

Thoma, 117, 104, 80; Mrs. W. Van Horn, 112, 110. 110; Mrs. Carlson, 102, So; Mrs.

A. Mempe, 102, 73, 66; Mrs. W. Werner, 79, 63, 65. MRS.

SAYLES LEADS HAPPY HOURS WITH 150. The best score at the session of the Happy Hours Club at the Wheel men alleys yesterday was 150 rolled by Mrs. Sayles. Scores follow: Mrs. T.

J. Sayles, 150, 141, 140, 139, 135, 133, 121; Mrs. W. Kinzley, 120. lni, 100, 100; Mrs.

J. Siess, 115, 10'), 95, 30; Mrs. J. G. Xunnermacker, 102, 3 Of.

100. 99, 99, 98; Mrs. J. C. Pas-thek, 101, 100.

99, 98, 92; Mrs. F. Dombrofski, 100, 98, 95, S7. MRS. HAMMOND'S 163 HIGH FOR ORITANI LADIES.

Mrs Hammond took the honors at tlie session of the Oritani ladies at the Oritani alleys yestereday afternoon, rolling 1G3. Each team won a game. Scores: Team No. 1. Mrs.

Gere Miss Kama Mrs. Mills Mrs. Clamp Mrs. Bacon 124 I 84 86 I'M Tot Is Team No. 2.

Mrs. Hammond Mrs. Uightmire Mrs. white Mrs. Banta H'jtaiing 442 lGS 1 to Totals 47H SCORES OP WHEELMEN TEAM IN NEW YORK TOURNEY.

Koliowius- are ihe scores of the Wheelmen team in the American Xa-j tional tournament in New York Tues day night v.iicn they two games: I Wheelmen- W. Lang, 159; Greiner, 3 Van Wefering. G. A. L'Jnge.

1" I Cotte. i32: total. 716. Senior Baigus. 170; Blossfield.

Apprl. Schaeflcr. 143; Ull-r'-ch. 19; total, 819. Wheelmen W.

Lang. 177; Greiner, Van Wotering, 158; G. A. Lange, 11: Cotie, 127; total, 8n9. Gotham Palace Schipley.

ir5; Meyer. K4; rook, 144- Rempel, 15; 1-romm. 161 total, SI 9. -pxt Tuesday night the Wheelmen cippt the Empire and Rosedale MIXED TOURNEY. Two matches will be rolled in the lamps' anrl gentlemen's tournament Jbe Oritani alleys tonight between Teams 4 and 2 and Teams 1 and 3, 507 1 122 74 I 120 1 54 In.

f. 4 74 84 104 .17 is 24 IK 17 IS .1 .28 ,22 .30 .24 PILLOW CASES. (Will-Wash-Heavier.) .19 Sala .12 .20 Sals .22 Sals .15 Val. .23 Bale .17 MOIlAWKS. .21 al .13 Val.

.22 Bala .14 .4 Sal Val. .26 Bale ,18 1 4uxS6. R0x3. 42x3i. 45x36.

50x36. 64X.16. WIGHT ANCHORS AD UTICAS. Val. .22 Sal .13 46x36 Val.

.24 Sle .15 1 val. .21 Bala 64x36 Val. .2 Bale .20 SHEETS. Wlll-Wttsh-Heavler.) 64x90 .57 Bala .3 63x90 .2 Sal .41 72x90 Val. al .47 01x90 Val.

.72 Bala .54. Val. .71 Bale MOHAWKS. Bala .43 68x90 Val. Sile .47 72x90 .69 Saia .52 "1x90 Val.

.74 Sala .57 Val. .79 BaU UTICAS AND DWTOHT A.VCH0R8. .66 Bala .44 .71 Bala Bala .54 89 Bala .96 Sal ,6: PH-LOW CASES. 43x36 Pillow Cases worth .19.... 7 46x36 Pillow Cases worth .11....

6nx3C Pillow Casus worth .13..,. 64x36 Pillow Cases worth .13 ,10 1 MasiireaiatH hefvre Bcnamlug.) Shets neat centre Beaiu 72x90 worth .89 .25 January Clearances and Sale Values in RUGS Fins Seamless Wilton Velvet Ru 9x12 ft. rich Orlentnls. Medallions and small Hover designs on cream or rose grounds reg. Sala 14.00 Hlpti Grada Wilton Ruga rt.

were 27.8S lit. 98 Best Body Brussels -Cx9 ft were 116.91 11.98 Velvet Axmlnster Rugs 8. 3x10. ft. were J14.38 9.98 Smith's Axmlniters 36x13 Inrh value 13 4.

.2.. T1S 27xP0 inch vaiua S2.1 1.44 lHi3i Inch value 11.02 7tt Alio, oa Third rioori O'Cedar Oil Mops res- .55 BrftfS Rods for vestibule or half curtains reg. .11 Holland Window Shades 6x3 ft white and colors value .35.... ,22 Friday Bargains in -Boys' Suits, Coats, Furnishings Boyu' Overcoats 3 to 17 yrs. navy, prav and hrown Chinchillas: also cheviot Overcoatings i Lalmacaan or convertible collar tiio-lels many wool lined were 5.00 Boys' Overcoats 3 to 17 yrs.

Kuaian Balmaca.n. rlo and convertible collar models Chinchilla and winter cheviots in desirable fancies reg. 13.93. ft. 00 Boys' Suits 7 to 17 yrs corduroys, serges and fancy cheviots i browns and grays ida or box pleated Norfolk models patch pocltets trousers fully lined.

Special R.BS Pots' Overcoat 3 to 10 yrs Russian and Baimecaan models buttoned to neck grays and browns in a- variety of twille. mixtures and herringbones reg. $2.88 1.9S Percale Blouses light, medium and dark also heavy nap flannelette i to 15 yrs. value .29 19; Flannelette Pajamas plni and blue stripes one or two piece to IS yrs. val.

.79 .91 69' Madras and Percale Shirts neat stripes and flcures laundered cuffs attached 12 to 14 value .79 lo .59 Sweater Coats wool and worsted mixed tan. oxford, navy and n-aroon Byron col'ar. or ruS neck stvie siies 28 to 34 value and U.4 .95 1DS- i began to be indignant. "Why, con- Ve are in possession of informa- found tbat grafter. vo ousnt t(J put tion that Justice Charles W.

Parker, Bm out 0f of Jersey City, who appoints the com- i Bj. George, I'll do it," Walling-mif sicn, is greatly desirous of hav- ford'generouRlr agreed. "Cnderstaud, ing them active and effective, and we Brack don. vou t0 g0 int0 are writing to ann vou win nut take up the nutter with your Board of Freeholders, and Dr. .1.

G. Lipman of the State Experiment Station at New Brunswick, as well as the newspapers in your county, and ask them to sea that public sentiment is rous ed to a point where adequate appropriations shall be made and work. flu rin-' the snring and summer KUj tiiai will Keep uon uie ng of both fresh and salt water spec ies of mosquito so that they may not breed and migrate into the adjoining ai tlipv did last year, to a you control of my patents. You rati weight and lost nerve force. It acted sell your treasury stock for the funds more like a miracle than a to oonduct the business and have the said a well-known, gentleman yeater-whole thin- iu vour own hands." speaking of the revolution that great extent undoing the work wo were engaged in, as well as seriously annoying the residents of your own county.

if effective mr.asures are used, tae ripest cm be bclov the annoyiim and when we consider the great. rpplaudcd Brack. "That's the kind of a deal I wanted to get into, one that involved a roal high finance operstion. with the sucker on the oth er end of the and bis thick lips moistened with gratification. "But do you suppose I could se'l the stock?" "Anvhody can sell stock that is.

uny man of a g'ood appearance and a handy toneue and little gray matter iu his tank." "I think 1 could decided Frak. ct'iisideriiiK these requirements thought fully. 'Wiiliincrford. you're a eenius!" ho chuckled in plcisant anticipation. "'Let's p't husv on Friend Pol- let.

I've heen ju 't lyiiu till my life to trss the harpoon int some one. "AH riebt." Immi'iii Wallinsford. "Loaf i.roun'l the jiyinnnMum vour harpoon arm cd romlition. for about tiia tie ami i j- a week, but II! set this suit and junction on foot todny give you tbst contract on my patents. Don't be hasty, thouph.

You'd better n'M. do anything without consulting us 'Don't you worry about mo:" exult- R-ir-ain HUlr "I this game perfpet'y, tow tbat you've pointed It out to me." toe day WaHiafifoid. and Blsckie possibilities for residential occupancy that nerrn coucty lends its.elf to, would seem to us that all progressive citizens should i usage in dcveloi t.roicct as and workable the wor; of (his coiumission has proven to be. Hi'juld you desire any format ion. we should oc firth.

-r in-iad to gi'-c it in lid we trust in will take personal ir.tercM in tins worn. Yours siiic'T-i'-'. I'. U. IU RNKTT.

Treasurer. Mr. Cleaver, who did considerable mohqiiito exterminating 1,1 1 rw countv last summer could not nc been concerning the above. 't is noted that the 1-ergen ounty Heard of FreehoWrrs on Monday voted an auproi.riation of $-o for mos-ouilo work for season, the same amount last year. It was understood that me iser-" Countv Commission pun-nin a.

conference with Or. unfi then the question of a suitahle appropriation will bs tiiuroughly dis- 1 cuE3ed. 4.

The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.